Financial Abuse During Divorce

Financial abuse is a serious issue that can surface during divorce proceedings, adding significant emotional and financial strain to an already difficult process. In Texas, understanding the signs and implications of financial abuse can help protect the rights and well-being of those affected.

What Is Financial Abuse in a Divorce?

Financial abuse in the context of divorce refers to one spouse manipulating or controlling the other’s financial resources. This can include hiding assets, restricting access to bank accounts, running up debt in the other’s name, or sabotaging employment opportunities.

Identifying financial abuse can be challenging, especially when it’s interwoven with other forms of emotional or psychological abuse. Common signs include:

  • Restricted access to funds: One spouse may withhold access to joint accounts, credit cards, or financial information.
  • Excessive monitoring: Constant scrutiny over spending or requiring the victim to justify every expense.
  • Unauthorized transactions: Taking out loans, opening credit lines, or making large purchases without the other’s consent.
  • Employment sabotage: Discouraging or preventing the victim from working or advancing their career.

The goal is often to gain power and control, making it difficult for the victim to leave the marriage or secure a fair settlement.

Protecting Against Financial Abuse During Divorce

If you suspect financial abuse during your divorce, taking proactive steps can help protect your financial interests.

Here are some crucial actions to consider:

  • Gather documentation: Compile financial records, including bank statements, tax returns, pay stubs, and credit reports. This documentation is essential for proving financial abuse and ensuring a fair division of assets.
  • Open separate accounts: Establish individual bank accounts and credit lines to safeguard your finances and build an independent credit history.
  • Consult a financial advisor: A professional can help you understand your financial situation, plan for the future, and identify any discrepancies or hidden assets.
  • Seek legal counsel: An experienced divorce attorney can provide invaluable guidance, helping you navigate the complexities of financial abuse and advocating for your rights in court.

Legal Recourse for Financial Abuse During Divorce

When financial abuse occurs during a divorce, it's essential to understand the legal options available to protect your interests and ensure a fair settlement. Texas law provides several avenues to address financial misconduct and seek justice.

Here are some key legal remedies that may apply to your situation:

  • Filing for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO): A TRO can prevent the abusive spouse from making unilateral financial decisions, such as withdrawing large sums of money or transferring assets.
  • Discovery: Utilize the legal discovery process to uncover hidden assets, undisclosed income, and unauthorized financial transactions.
  • Forensic accounting: Engage a forensic accountant to investigate financial discrepancies and provide expert testimony on hidden assets or financial misconduct.
  • Contempt of court: If the abusive spouse violates court orders regarding finances, they can be held in contempt, resulting in penalties or sanctions.
  • Requesting restitution: Courts can order the abusive spouse to repay funds or compensate for financial losses incurred due to their actions.
  • Equitable distribution: Although Texas is a community property state, judges can consider financial misconduct when dividing marital assets, potentially awarding a larger share to the victim.

These legal measures can help address financial abuse and ensure a more equitable resolution. By pursuing these options, victims can protect their financial rights and work toward a fair settlement.

Contact Us for Legal Assistance

Financial abuse during divorce is a profound issue that requires attention, understanding, and action. In Texas, victims have legal avenues to address and rectify financial misconduct. By recognizing the signs, seeking professional help, and leveraging available resources, individuals can navigate the complexities of divorce, protect their financial interests, and work toward a secure and independent future.

Contact Kay Polk, Attorney at Law today for help with your divorce when you believe financial abuse is a factor.
